
Monday, March 30, 2020

Spongebob drawing

Hi I  drew spongebob because I knew it would be fun to draw this funny character. I might colour him soon but i'm not really sure. I used to draw this. what is your favourite part about this drawing? do you think you could draw this?

Thursday, March 26, 2020

High diving giraffe

Hi this is the slide I made this of if I was the giraffe diving into the water. I made this on slides an I wrote about if I was the giraffe diving into the water. There was a video and we had to choose which type of writing I chose if I was the giraffe. What would you do if you saw those giraffes? Would you be scared? Excited?

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

what is the most common colour of clothing in my wardrobe?

Hi this is the graph that I made about what is the most common colour in my wardrobe. This is my graph that I made on slides it is a bar graph. At school we have been learning about graphs and statistics I found out that pink is the most common colour in my wardrobe. what is the most common colour in yours?

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Hi for our inquiry we have been making slides and learning about about our Ancestors this is mine
We had to get information from the internet about one of the cultures we are from. I have not finished mine yet. What information did you find most interesting?

Friday, March 6, 2020

This is just to say poem

This is a poem I wrote about the naughty things I have done when I was little
 I made this poem about the time when I was in bed and grabbed some scissors and cut my hair! This poem was originally wrote by Carlos William, but I re-wrote it into something I have done. What naughty things have you done when you were younger?