
Friday, December 3, 2021

Money Counter!

 Ki ora bloggers! For the last few weeks, we have been learning about kiwi innovators. This week we have been focusing on making our own innovation! Courtney, Amy, Georgie, and I, have joined as a group and thought of our own invention. We thought of a money counter. If you are ever at the mall or going shopping anywhere and you forget your card and find it hard to count and gather exactly all the coins you need? Well, the money counter would definitely help you! This slide was our design process. We went through the slide and wrote first- define- identify- brainstorm- select- prototype- test- iliterate- and communicate. Then we started to design our money counter in real life. We haven't finished all of this yet but hope so too soon! What would you make to solve a problem?

Friday, November 5, 2021

Interesting Innovators

 Hey bloggers! This week we have started doing kiwi innovators. First, we read about a guy named LenLight who made an easier and healthier way to make yogurt. Then we answered questions about the story. Then we got to create our own yogurt brand in Canva. This was really fun to make. What's your favorite flavor of yogurt?

Friday, October 29, 2021

Magnificent math

 Hi Bloggers! In maths, we have been learning about transformation (reflection, rotation, translation, or enlargement) This slide was about translations. Translations can be hard but they get easier when you understand how to do it. I haven't finished my whole slide yet, but I am still working on it!. Have you worked on translations?

Friday, October 22, 2021

Netherlands Report


Kia ora bloggers, welcome back to school! To start off this term we have been learning and writing about our cultures and where we are from. I wrote about the Netherlands because that is where I am from. It's really fun learning about the Netherlands and Iearnt a lot of new things. I havn't yet finished this but I will keep working on it! I hope you enjoy learning about The Netherlands. Where are you from? 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Spectacular Spooky Story

 Hey Bloggers! Today we did some free writing so my friend Amy and I wrote a scary story. We had a lot of fun writing this. We have not finished it yet, but we'll keep you updated! We wrote this on docs. Do you like scary stories? If so, comment your favorite! ! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ! 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Amazing Moari Animation

 Hey bloggers! This week we have been doing Maori animations in buddies or by ourselves, that can be located anywhere we want. We have to include Maori words and phrases. Animations take a very long time and you have to add a lot of slides and detail. But animations are super fun to make I really enjoyed making this. I made this on slides with my friend Annabelle. Have you ever made an animation before?

Friday, September 10, 2021

Magnificent math resource

 Hey Bloggers! Back to school! In maths we have been learning about converting fractions, decimals and percentages. I use this slide as a resource to help me remember how to convert them. And you can too. The questions were challenging but it was really helpful that there were resources on the slide. I enjoyed learning about this. Did you find this helpful?